年代順講話 & ワーク 
The Silent Explosion
The silent explosion is what happens when one goes into meditation. In this amazing book Osho talks about the role of Yoga in this explosion - and along the way talks in some detail about the hidden life of Jesus in India and Tibet. The last chapter contains letters about Osho's trip to the Tibetan monastery of His Holiness Lama Karmapa with some astounding revelations.
notes Inside cover reads: "A composition of lectures given by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh at A-1, Woodlands, Peddar Road, Bombay-400026. India."

Ch.1 - Flight of the Alone to the Alone (previously published as a booklet with this title)
Ch.2 - Meditation: A New Dimension (previously published as a booklet with this title)
Ch.3 - The Occult Meaning of Asanas and Mudras (previously published as Yoga As Spontaneous Happening)
Ch.4 - Kundalini: The Science of Transcendence (previously published as The Inward Revolution Ch.12)
Ch.5 - Sex, Love, Prayer and Meditation (previously published as The Inward Revolution Ch.3)
Ch.6 - The Vital Balance (previously published as a booklet with this title)
Ch.7 - Religion and the Windows of Man (previously published as The Inward Revolution Ch.8)
Ch.8 - Mysteries of Initiation (previously published as I Am the Gate Ch.7)
Ch.9 - The Unknown Life of Jesus (source unknown)
Ch.10 - Letters from Bhagwan (A collection of 21 letters written to disciples)
Postscript - Visit to a Tibetan monastery (source unknown)

time period of Osho's original discourses/talks/letters
At least from May 5, 1970 to Apr 2, 1972 : discourse details
number of discourses/chapters
10 & postscript
The Silent Explosion
                    Year of publication : 1973
Publisher : Anand Shila Publications

Edition no. : 1
ISBN : None
Number of pages : 217
Hardcover / paperback : H
Edition notes : First edition: 1973. c Jeevan Jagriti Kendra 1973.
Author as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Published by Sadhu Anand Sagar (Praveen D. Desai), Anand-Shila Publications, 5/64, Bombay Mutual Chambers, 19 Hamam Street, Fort, Bombay - 400001.

Editor and compilation: Rena Bulkin, Ma Anand Prem, Sw Yoga Chinmaya, Ma Yog Tao, Ma Dharma Anubhuti, Sw Krishna Christ
Cover design: Ramu-Arun
Preface: Sw Krishna Christ


最も興味を引く章が最後のラマ・カルマパ僧との謁見記で、これは「マイトレーヤ」 (1988年刊) という日本版のみの編集本に収められていたが、この本も現在は入手不可能。

   The Silent Explosion   
  転載の章   転載の本
1970年8月16日 1 Flight of The Alone to The Alone
1. 一人だけの孤高の飛翔 グレート・チャレンジ
2 Meditation : A New Dimension
2. ダイナミック瞑想 グレート・チャレンジ
3 The Occult Meaning of Asanas and Mudras
3. ヨガ・自発的な出来事 グレート・チャレンジ
1970年7月25日 4 Kundalini : The Science of Transcendence
 クンダリーニ : 超越の科学
4. クンダリーニ・ヨガ 秘教の心理学
1971年2月14日 5 Sex, Love, Prayer, and Meditation
3. セックス、愛、祈り 秘教の心理学
1971年1月6日 6 The Vital Balance
5. 生命バランス グレート・チャレンジ
1971年10月21日 7 Religion and The Windows of Man
10. 神性への窓 秘教の心理学
8 Mysteries of Initiation
7. サニヤスの神秘 未知への扉
9 The Unknown Life of Jesus
9. イエスの知られざる生涯 グレート・チャレンジ
10 Letters From Bhagwan
1972年 夏 Postscript - Visit to a Tibetan Monastery
ラマ・カルマパ僧との謁見記 マイトレーヤ

The Silent Explosion

Year of publication : 2012
Publisher : Osho Tapoban, Nepal
Edition no. : 1
Number of pages : 248
Hardcover / paperback : P
Edition notes :

翻訳: 西村栄次郎 (スワミ・プレム・アカシ)
出版年 : 2007年12月26日


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