年代順講話 & ワーク
  Hidden Mysteries                      隠された神秘

Hidden Mysteries

Year of publication : 1997
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, India
Edition no. : 1
ISBN 81-7261-008-4
Number of pages : 234
Hardcover / paperback : H
Edition notes : First edition 1997.
Copyright c 1997 Osho International Foundation.
Editing: Ma Yoga Sudha
Typesetting: Sw Prem Rasada
Design: Ma Prem Shunyo
Cover design: Ma Jivan Upada
Photography: Osho Photo Serveces & Sw Premgit
Production: Ma Deva Harito
In gratitude and love to Osho, Ma Jivan Tilasmi,
Ma Anutosh Jean, Sw Amano Sahajia
Introduction: Sw Yoga Pratap Bharati

Hidden Mysteries
Six chapters on ancient secrets man has been pondering over for centuries. Osho unveils new truths about pyramids, the third eye, ancient temples, mantras, sacred places of pilgrimage and their esoteric rituals and significance. This small volume also contains two fascinating chapters on astrology.
translated from Hindi : Gahre Pani Paith

notes Originally called Odysee Within, but never published under that title. Some sources suggest that the two astrology chapters were published as separate Hindi pamphlets, Jyotish Advait Ka Vigyan and Jyotish Arthat Adhyatma.
Hidden Mysteries

Year of publication : 2009
Publisher : Osho Media International
Edition no. : 2
ISBN 9788172610081
Number of pages : 236
Hardcover / paperback : H
1971年 4月26日 1 The Secret of Shapes, Sounds and Fragrances 東洋の寺院に秘められた神秘
6月6日 2 Alchemical Secrets of Places of Holy Pilgrimage 巡礼地の錬金術
6月12日 3 The Occult Science of the Third Eye 第三の眼の神秘学
6月16日 4 The Transformative Power of Idol Worship, Mantras, Music and Dance 偶像の変容力
7月9日 5 Astrology: The Science of Cosmic Oneness 占星術:一なる宇宙の科学
7月10日 6 Astrology: A Door to Religiousness 占星術:宗教性への扉
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